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ABT Time

Jul 28, 2021

We have the tool for bridging the cultural divide between different programs and departments of institutions and organizations (Silo Busting). In this episode we dive deep into this challenge with one of the all-time great Silo Explorers, historian, MacArthur Fellow and co-founder of the Center for the America West at...

Jul 22, 2021

It’s time for the Great Aussie Unclenching with Dr. Rod Lamberts, host of The Wholesome Show podcast, Jayde “The Estoner of Estonia” Lovell, and cohost Jen Martin. Together they bring all the wit and charm of a kangaroo to ABT Time as the lone Yank, Dr. Randy Olson, tries to keep up, but as usual, stumbles.


Jul 15, 2021

It’s Narrative Fitness Workout Time at the Narrative Gym with the ABT Trivia Contest (5 contestants), plus 2 ABT Build Exercises, combined with riotous laughter and non-stop hijinx, hilarity and horseplay.

Randy Olson on the Web:​
Randy's Blog:​
Learn more...

Jul 6, 2021

Randy Olson and co-host Jen Martin dive into coral reefs with legendary coral reef fish ecologist Dr. Peter Sale, author of the new book, “Coral Reefs” from Yale University Press.  Supplementing the discussion is long time marine ecologist buddy Dr. Bob Steneck of University of Maine as we discuss...

Jul 1, 2021

Cohosts Randy Olson and Jen Martin (in Australia) lead the discussion of the second half of The Narrative Blitz that took place initially on April 14, run again on June 9. Joining them are Liz Foote, Dianna Padilla, Mike Strauss, Rick Nelson, Julie Claussen, Marlis Douglas, and Mike Backes.


Randy Olson on the Web: