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ABT Time

Aug 25, 2021

Joe Newman, author of, “Raising Lions: The Art of Compassionate Discipline,” long time surf buddy of Randy Olson, and a 2019 graduate of the Story Circles Narrative Training program talks about training PARENTS (not children). His hugely popular “protocol” is widely used and studied. Connections are made...

Aug 20, 2021

The filmmakers, Brent Storm, director, and producers Julie Romaniuk, Brian Bielmann and Randy Olson, cover everything from story development with the ABT Narrative Template to bluebird conditions, French women, and making a film that kicks ass. Be sure to stay to the end so you can hear Brian get yelled at by the lady...

Aug 10, 2021

To talk "Bruce Block” in filmmaking means to discuss the 7 Elements of Visual Expression (space, line, shape, tone, color, movement, rhythm) in the creation of movies. Bruce is a living legend in Hollywood and has been teaching his iconic Visual Expression course at U.S.C. for 44 years. My film school classmates (now...

Aug 5, 2021

Eight years ago Park Howell discovered the ABT and thought it might be useful. It’s now the centerpiece of all his communications training in the business world and he’s become one of the core members of our team for the ABT Framework Course. All of which makes for a great discussion as we launch our new...