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ABT Time

Jun 24, 2021

8 veteran ABT voices come together to synthesize a decade of experience in how to teach the ABT. If you’re interested in teaching the ABT, this 90 minute special is the very best resource to date. It features our 3 Step Teaching Model, then two in-depth Case Studies of professors now teaching the ABT Framework...

Jun 17, 2021

Randy Olson sets up the reality, perception and communication of ocean destruction, Jen Martin compares “My Octopus Teacher” to “Seaspiracy” (bottom line: it’s a lot more fun to watch), then Jennifer Jacquet and John Hocevar reveal they kinda liked a lot of things about “Seaspiracy,” despite the uproar it...

Jun 10, 2021

Cohosts Randy Olson and Jen Martin (in Australia) lead a 90 minute high energy, post-event discussion among 6 of the Narrative Blitz speakers: Shirley Malcom, Rick Nelson, Julie Claussen, Liz Foote, Marlis Douglas, and Mike Backes.

Randy Olson on the Web:​
Randy's Blog:...

Jun 2, 2021

Randy Olson talks with two of his USC film school classmates about Bruce Block’s “Visual Storytelling,” Frank Daniel’s “Critical Thinking vs Creative Thinking,” and how 2 + 2 can equal eleven.

Randy Olson on the Web:​
Randy's Blog:​
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