Jun 19, 2022
Laura Pavlakovich didn’t even need to hear the end of the Dobzhansky template before she blurted, “Oh, I know my one word — it’s COMMUNITY.” Buried in the middle of this excellent episode is a wonderful (and pure ABT structured!) story Laura tells about meeting the mother of a Type One child. This interview shows how much good the ABT Framework can do in the non-profit sector.
Laura Pavlakovich
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourejustmytype1/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourejustmytype1
New York Times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLwDvK0j4DQ
NBC News:
Shoutout LA Article:
Randy Olson
Randy's Blog: http://scienceneedsstory.com
Learn more about the ABT Framework Course: http://www.abtframework.com/